I thank Dr Bolgia for her thoughtful and generous review. My purpose was to write a narrative on religious architecture in the kingdom of Sicily during the first three generations of Angevin rule. In the many books that concern, either specifically or generally, the subject of Italian Gothic architecture, the kingdom rarely receives mention, andContinue reading “Response to Review no. 469”
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Invisible City: the Architecture of Devotion in Seventeenth-Century Neapolitan Convents
The narrow streets of ancient Naples are like the bottoms of chasms that meet at right angles. Once past shops and market stands, or the kitchen chairs and laundry outside the door of the ground-level apartments (bassi), there are long stretches of narrow streets flanked by high, unarticulated walls to either side, streets sinister becauseContinue reading “Invisible City: the Architecture of Devotion in Seventeenth-Century Neapolitan Convents”