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The Press and the People: Cheap Print and Society in Scotland, 1500-1785 / Adam Fox

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Review Date: 25 March 2022

Early modern Scotland was awash with cheap print. Adam Fox, in the first dedicated study of the phenomenon in Scotland, gives readers some startling figures. Andro Hart, one of Edinburgh’s leading booksellers, died in 1622. In his possession, according to his inventory, were 42,300 unbound copies of English books printed on his own presses.

The Church of England in Industrialising Society. The Lancashire Parish of Whalley in the Eighteenth Century / Michael Snape

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Review Date: 01 April 2005

In the essentially voluntary world of religious practice that was brought into being by the Toleration Act of 1689, the Church of England was compelled to compete for the allegiance of its members.

The Voices of Morebath: Reformation and Rebellion in an English Village / Eamon Duffy

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Review Date: 31 December 2001

Eamon Duffy’s The Stripping of the Altars (Yale, 1992) provided a broad, compelling account of popular religion in England before and during the Reformation, and was a book which undoubtedly changed the way we think about late medieval Catholicism and the popular experience of religious change.

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