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The Crimean War and its Afterlife: Making Modern Britain / Lara Kriegel

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Review Date: 04 November 2022

Writing in Macmillan’s Magazine a few years after the denouement of the Crimean War, Thomas Hughes, author of Tom Brown’s School Days, declared that this conflict’s ‘drama ... will never fail deeply to move the heart of England, at least until the grave has closed over our generation.

Four Nations Approaches to Modern ‘British’ History: A (Dis)united Kingdom / eds. Naomi Lloyd-Jones, Margaret M. Scull

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Review Date: 11 March 2022

Four Nations Approaches, as the editors acknowledge from the start, follows in the footsteps of a very solid tradition of edited collections, brought about by the rise of ‘New British History’ in the 1990s and early 2000s.

AI Narratives: A History of Imaginative Thinking about Intelligent Machines / eds. Stephen Cave, Kanta Dihal, Sarah Dillon

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Review Date: 11 December 2020

‘Artificial intelligence (AI)’ is a loaded term, rife with connotative contradiction that inspires debate, disagreement, and disillusion.

Wem & Myddle, then and again / Peter Edwards

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Review Date: 04 September 2020

In 1974, David Hey published his book on Myddle in Shropshire, a study based upon his doctoral research at Leicester University. One might wonder how a proud South Yorkshireman had even heard of an insignificant North Shropshire parish, let alone decided to carry out research on it. Fortunately, his supervisor, Professor W. G.

US Consular Representation in Britain Since 1790 / Nicholas M. Keegan

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Review Date: 12 December 2019

The consular official has often been a derided figure in the historiography of foreign services, often seen as uneducated, involved in commerce, and corrupt, perhaps personified in the figure of ‘Charles Fortnum’ in Graham Greene’s spy novel The Honorary Consul.(1) Such criticisms were often levelled at consuls. Nonetheless, some scholars argue that the consular system of representation predated that of permanent ambassadors by almost 2,000 years.

Remaking Policy: Scale, Pace, and Political Strategy in Health Care Reform / Carolyn Hughes Tuohy

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Review Date: 24 October 2019

These days, expenditure on health amounts on average to some 9 per cent of gross domestic product in the prosperous nations of the West. Whether through direct taxation, social security, social health insurance or private means, it’s a substantial amount. It’s no surprise then, that the politics of health care loom large amongst governments’ priorities, nor that those politics should be fiercely contested.

The Cult of Thomas Becket: History and Historiography through Eight Centuries / Kay Brainerd Slocum

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Review Date: 31 January 2019

Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury (1120–70) is one of the iconic figures in British history – a man who most people have not only heard of, but also have an opinion on. Yet, despite the brutality of his murder, such opinions are not always positive. In fact, this medieval archbishop is an unusually divisive figure, and always has been.

Migrants of the British Diaspora Since the 1960s. Stories From Modern Nomads / A. James Hammerton

Review Date: 23 August 2018

After Emigrant gentlewomen: Genteel poverty and female emigration, 1830-1914, Cruelty and Companionship: Conflict in Nineteenth Century Married Life , and Ten Pound Poms: A life history of British postwar emigration to Australia  with Alistair Thomson, A. James Hammerton revisits post-war Britain’s diaspora through the prism of oral history in Migrants of the British Diaspora since the 1960s: Stories from Modern Nomads.

Collecting and Displaying China’s “Summer Palace” in the West / ed. Louise Tythacott

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Review Date: 08 February 2018

In Room 145 of the Ceramics Galleries of the Victoria & Albert Museum, at the top of case 50, you can see an ‘architectural fragment’, which, according to its label, ‘once ornamented a palace in Yuanmingyuan or “garden of perfect clarity”’. Made of stoneware, the item comprises a scrolling shell-like form and is covered with an exquisite turquoise-blue glaze.

Computation and the Humanities: towards an Oral History of Digital Humanities / Andrew Flynn, Julianne Nyhan

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Review Date: 01 February 2018

Over the past years, there has been a lot of debate around the nature of scholarship in the area of Humanities Computing or, more recently, Digital Humanities (DH); more specifically, there have been several attempts to define it and identify its disciplinary characteristics.