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Memory and the English Reformation / eds. Alexandra Walsham, Bronwyn Wallace, Ceri Law, Brian Cummings

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Review Date: 26 March 2021

‘The English Reformation has not ended’, concludes Memory and the English Reformation’s introduction. ‘Continually refought in memory and the imagination, the battles it began will never be over’ (p.45). Through memory studies, this volume nudges the very worn question of England’s long Reformation(s) in a revitalising direction. Noting that scholars have rarely focused on how the English Reformation ‘became crystalised in the historical imagination’ (p.

Utopian Universities: A Global History of the New Campuses of the 1960s / eds. Jill Pellew, Miles Taylor

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Review Date: 08 January 2021

The most remarkable feature of the mould-breaking expansion of higher education that took place across the world in the 1960s was the foundation of some 200 entirely new universities.

Films for the Colonies: Cinema and the Preservation of the British Empire / Tom Rice

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Review Date: 02 October 2020

Tom Rice’s book offers an extensive and cogent history of the Colonial Film Unit (CFU) from its early conception in the minds of bureaucrats and educational specialists to its dissolution following the wave of independence movements in the mid-20th century.

Mediterranean Encounters: Trade and Pluralism in Early Modern Galata / Fariba Zarinebaf

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Review Date: 31 July 2020

The 18th century is still the least popular among Ottoman historians. Recently, with the influential counter-narrative of Ottoman decline and the coining of a new term—the 'Second Ottoman Empire'—by Baki Tezcan, our understanding of periodization in Ottoman history has changed. It is now recognized that there was no golden age followed by centuries of decline.

Exposing Slavery: Photography, Human Bondage, and the Birth of Modern Visual Politics in America / Matthew Fox-Amato

Review Date: 08 April 2020

Exposing Slavery: Photography, Human Bondage, and the Birth of Modern Visual Politics in America is a deeply researched book, focused on how the new medium of photography was shaped and, in turn, altered by the country’s struggle over human bondage. As a historian, Fox-Amato approaches photographs as historical evidence instead of illustrations intended to visually enhance the traditional written text.

Studio Lives: Architect, Art and Artist in 20th-Century Britain / Louise Campbell

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Review Date: 27 March 2020

The Romantic image of the starving artist painting in a threadbare garret and refusing to bend his talent to please a Philistine public could not be further from the artists and their studios considered in Louise Campbell’s Studio Lives.

Thatcher’s Progress: From Social Democracy to Market Liberalism through an English New Town / Guy Ortolano

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Review Date: 13 February 2020

In 1979 Pete Wrong of the art collective and Punk band Crass was being interviewed by New Society about his graffiti operation on the London Underground: ‘We don’t just rip the posters down or spray them. We use stencils, neatly, to qualify them. Especially sexist posters, war posters and the sort of posters for sterile things like Milton Keynes.’ He spits those two words out.

Boom Cities: Architect Planners and the Politics of Radical Urban Renewal in 1960s Britain / Otto Saumarez Smith

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Review Date: 19 December 2019

The planning of cities from the 1940s to the 1960s is one of the major strands of British (and indeed, international) post-war social history. Alongside welfare, affluence, deindustrialisation and decolonisation it represents one of the thematic pillars around which the history of later 20th-century Britain has come to be written.

Collecting Medieval Treasures / eds. Rachel King, Paul Ruddock

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Review Date: 11 April 2019

As a late medievalist who has recently moved to Scotland, I was disappointed to learn that the Burrell Collection in Glasgow – home to the many medieval treasures once owned by the shipping magnate and prolific collector, William Burrell – is closed over the next two years. This is for an extensive renovation, which will see the gallery space and its facilities improved, and the collection re-interpreted.

George Washington’s Washington: Visions for the National Capital in the Early American Republic / Adam Costanzo

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Review Date: 11 April 2019

A recent addition to the Early American Places series, Adam Costanzo’s George Washington’s Washington: Visions for the National Capital in the Early American Republic provides an overview of the development of and visions for Washington, DC, from 1790 to the late 1830s and, thus, spans the administrations of the first seven American presidents: George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams,…