This special issue was produced to coincide with the 2016 US Presidential elections, and showcased four books showing the ways in which the current generation of American politicians use history to promote their own brand of politics. The selection included losing Democratic candidate Hilary Clinton, former Governor of Louisiana Bobby Jindal, Republican White House wannabe, Mike Huckabee and libertarian Ron Paul. Many thanks to the hard work of our editorial board member Daniel Peart in helping put this together.

The Revolution: A Manifesto / Ron Paul

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Review Date: 11 November 2016

Ron Paul’s The Revolution is adamant on one point: to solve the problems in modern America, Americans need to return to Constitutional values. ‘In times like these, we need a return to fundamentals’ (p. 168). The specific fundamentals to which Paul refers are as often the values of Austrian School economists as they are the Founding Fathers.

God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy / Mike Huckabee

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Review Date: 03 November 2016

Michael Huckabee, former Arkansas governor, frequent presidential candidate, and former Fox News host, opens the election year reissue of his 2014 manifesto God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy with the arresting anecdote of 2012’s ‘Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day’.

American Will: The Forgotten Choices That Changed Our Republic / Bobby Jindal

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Review Date: 03 November 2016

After reading American Will, the Forgotten Choices that Changed our Republic, by former Governor of Louisiana Bobby Jindal, I am confused as to why the man chose to write a piece of history. Governor Jindal is a capable politician and has written a book that contains, in places, very astute political content.

Hard Choices / Hilary Clinton

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Review Date: 03 November 2016

Hard Choices details Hillary Rodham Clinton’s four years as Secretary of State, from 2009 to 2013.

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